Hallway Bath Remodel Northbrook, IL
The Subject Property
Northbrook Hallway Bath Remodel
Your old yet functional bathroom can benefit from a makeover, as these Northbrook homeowners discovered when Regency Home Remodeling turned their blah hall bath into a stunning style statement through use of color, texture, and know-how, with a little help from the freshest, finest materials from top-tier suppliers Daltile and Studio 41.
Color is key, and the old mustard shade wasn’t doing the room any favors. A fresh wash of blue and white made a difference, starting with gorgeous 2”x 8” Cegi Blue Streaks tile for a vanity statement wall that speaks volumes. The striking geometrics of Vivify Mosaics Spectra Blue tile gives the new shower niches a touch of whimsical focus emphasized by 5”x 14” Ottimo Madrid Blanco tile on the surrounding shower walls above the sharp Maxx Rubix Alcove tub. The white tile stretches out to create wainscoting around the room, tying together color and texture above the floor’s subtle wood look of the 12”x 48” Season Wood Snow Pine tile. Black matte is subtly inserted to finish off the new look, with Kohler Essential Rectangle Mirrors and Artos shower and vanity fixtures adding punch as well as a sophisticated accent.
The change in the room is startling, the white and blue a sensory feast that carries the eye along a pleasant visual journey. Regency Home Remodeling is ready and waiting to make your bathroom the retreat you’d love. And their no-muss, no-fuss policy promises that your project will come in on time and within budget. Give them a call and start making your home the haven you envision.
Need a Bathroom Remodel?
If you want to remodel your bathroom in Northbrook , and want to know how these homeowners saved on their finishes with our Factory-direct program, then contact us at 1 (773) 930-4465.